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A Permitted 2-Story Cob & Light Clay Straw House w/ Rocket Mass Heater on São Miguel, Azores Islands in Portugal
Quinta da Vida Beleza LagoaThis workshop will be the longest, most diverse and most comprehensive one we have yet offered to our students. We will be completing a 2-story building with a criptomeria (local […]
4-Day Cob + Straw Immersion
Mud Dauber School of Natural Building 8813 Lindley Mill Road, Snow Camp, NC$550 Early Bird Discount (register before August 10th, 2021) $600 Regular Fee 5% discount for family + friends participating together! INCLUDED: 3 vegetarian meals a day (with one cob oven […]
Natural Building Workshop Sep 6th – Oct 17th, 2021: We are building a PermaHome Guesthouse for Kim, Lucas & Robert’s new community in southern Italy
patiki.org - Villa Villecolla BadolatoIn this permaskills Natural Building Workshop we are building a PermaHome guesthouse for Kim, Lucas and Robert's new tribe of free learning families in southern Italy. There are no skill […]