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August 16, 2019 - October 22, 2019
Natural Building Part 1: Straw Bales, Cob and Earthen Floors
$650 – $1300
August 16, 2019 ∞ 3:00 pm - August 25, 2019 ∞ 2:00 pm
Cob, Balecob, Light straw clay Extravaganza
August 18, 2019 ∞ 4:00 pm - September 22, 2019 ∞ 2:00 pm
Build a Complete Cob Cottage near the Yuba River (Nevada City, California)
$2500 – $2600
August 24, 2019 ∞ 3:30 pm - August 31, 2019 ∞ 11:00 am
Fast Cob! A revolution in Natural Building…
September 6, 2019 - September 12, 2019
Natural Building Part 2: Adobe, Cob, Wattle and Daub, Arches & Clay Plasters
$650 – $1300
November 30, 2019 ∞ 8:00 pm - December 7, 2019 ∞ 7:00 am
A Complete Introduction to Ecological Building Techniques (Cob, Wattle and Daub, Earthbags, Natural Plasters)
February 2, 2020 ∞ 8:45 am - March 1, 2020 ∞ 5:30 pm
Build a Cob Outdoor Kitchen & Oven near Pucón, Chile
March 1, 2020 ∞ 5:00 pm - March 7, 2020 ∞ 7:00 am
A Complete Introduction to Earthen Building Techniques (Cob, Earthbag, Wattle and Daub)
April 15, 2020 ∞ 4:00 pm - April 22, 2020 ∞ 8:00 am
A Complete Introduction to Earthen Building Techniques (Cob, Earthbag, Wattle and Daub)
May 1, 2020 - May 31, 2020
Natural Building Four-Part Series
May 1, 2020 ∞ 7:00 pm - May 3, 2020 ∞ 7:00 pm